The BSR electric project has a strong focus on trans-national learning and knowledge sharing, which is why we have created this page to showcase our findings and experiences. The interactive city map below is part of our “Baltic Sea Region Roadmap for Urban E-Mobility” and embeds our Use Cases and results in the context of the urban transport system of a BSR city.
Feel free to browse and explore what the project has on offer for municipal decision makers and public administrations, public and private fleet managers, municipal companies, public and private transport operators, and other stakeholders that are interested in sustainable technological options and feasible solutions to integrate e-mobility into the urban transport system.
Project Outputs
Work Package 2 - Scoping: Gathering stakeholder information on theme-specific e-mobility solutions
Stakeholder Analysis
A comprehensive Stakeholder Analysis summarizes the status quo of e-mobility within our partner countries. Stakeholder Analysis >
Database of e-mobility solutions in the Baltic Sea Region and beyond
Project partner Lindholmen Science Park established a database and map showcasing e-mobility solutions the Baltic Sea region. Database >
A series of theme-specific webinars provided insights into challenges and opportunities of e-mobility applications in the BSR:
- Webinar on e-logistics: Possibilities for modern city logistics using e-mobility
- Webinar on e-buses: E-buses… yes, of course – but now what?
- Webinar on e-bikes: What benefits arise and how to implement a promotion campaign
- Webinar on e-scooters: Possibilities for social inclusion
- Webinar on e-ferries: Electric mobility on waters – a contribution to clean shipping
- BSR Electric Compact Webinar: The Future of E-Bus Operations
Work Package 3 - Piloting: Concrete use cases for e-mobility in BSR cities
- Use Case 1: Urban Logistics in Høje Taastrup, Denmark
- Use Case 2: Inner-city e-logistics in Turku, Finland
- Use case 3: E-buses in Hamburg, Germany and Tartu, Estonia
- Use Case 4: E-Bikes for Commuters in Gdansk, Poland
- Use Case 5: E-bikes for Families in Helsinki, Finland
- Use Case 6: E-scooters in Riga, Latvia
- Use Case 7: E-ferries in Rostock, Oslo and Gdansk
Work Package 4 - Capacity building: Fostering knowledge and experience exchange on e-mobility solutions in BSR cities and regions
E-Mobility capacity building seminars
Various theme-specific capacity building initiatives fostered knowledge building and exchange among project partners and beyond:
- "10th Congress of Active Mobility", Gdansk (2019)
- "Oslo Green Capital - How to electrify all transport by 2030?", Oslo (2019)
- "E-vehicles and infrastructures for freight and goods transport", Høje Taastrup (2018)
- "Towards Electromobility in the Baltic Sea Region", Turku (2018)
Theme-specific recommendations
Based upon findings and results of piloting activities, project partners developed a set of theme-specific checklists guiding the target group in decision-making:
- E-Vans and e-Logistics - Action Checklist for Municipalities, local and national Politicians
- E-Buses - Action Checklist for Municipalities and Public Transport Providers
- E-Bikes - Action Checklist for Municipalities and Companies
- E-Scooters - Action Checklist for Municipalities and Organizations
- E-Ferries - Action Checklist for Municipalities
Online learning module for local/regional decision-makers
The project developed an interactive and openly accessible online guidance, available for decision makers in public and private entities as well as urban transport actors within the BSR region and beyond.

Baltic Sea Region Roadmap for Urban E-Mobility
The BSR Roadmap for Urban E-Mobility synthesizes the Project’s results across all Work Packages and is directed at general and theme-specific target groups, in particular urban transport planners, municipal and regional decision-makers and civil servants, executives of city-owned companies and public transport providers in cities of the Baltic Sea Region, as well as researchers.
The Roadmap is disseminated via a nested 4-layer approach. The four different formats vary in their information depth and content and thus cater to specific target groups:
- Website feature (see interactive map above)
- Folding map
- Augmented reality static 3D model
- Roadmap report: Single page view or Double page view
- Route Evaluation and Optimization Tool Guide
Final conference
The project’s final event was held as a virtual conference in June 2020. Along with a presentation of BSR electric outputs by project partners, and key-notes from reknown mobility experts, the interactive and open access e-conference featured insights into various electrification projects in and around Gothenburg as well as joint learning and networking opportunities.
You are welcome to explore pre-recorded presentations, recordings of live-events and other conference material by accessing our Conference Website.
Promotion material